
Why you should be nervous about Cloud Security

Why you should be nervous about Cloud Security

So you've been offered a Cloud solution. Sounds compelling. No upfront cost, dump your old server and let the experts manage your data at a 'surprisingly affordable monthly rate'.

But wait - the basic premise is, you have to hand over one of your most valuable assets - your data. As a manufacturer, you probably possess commercially valuable data: Product recipes that took years to perfect. Know-how, job costings and quality records that you wouldn't want to make public..?

The big Cloud scam - what they haven't told the accountants yet..

Sometimes in the buzz and hype of new technology being offered, commonsense factors are overlooked.

One of those is the role of corporate accountants. While they are not the villains here, they are paid to do a job, and that job is reasonably inevitable. So it would be foolish to ignore the future implications to the industry.

Something that cloud developers know right now but haven’t told their corporate accountants yet, is that the hardware economy of scale argument for a cloud app is not what they think..